Dec – Jan Holiday Camps 2022-2023

Our  December/January Holiday Camps were a massive hit with the kids and adults alike. This Dec/Jan we are keen to get everyone on the court to experience the sport we all know and love.

HOT SHOTS Holiday Camp

Teenage Bootcamp

Adult Holiday Camp

Register now for our two Tennis Clinics during the June/July Holidays.


First week -Monday to Friday [Five days]

Second week – Monday to Friday [Five days]

Bookings can taken daily, full [9.30-3.30pm] or half day [9.30-12.30pm], weekly or scattered days.

We cater for all ages from 4 to 14 year olds.

Red 4-8 years, Orange 8-10 years, Green 10-12 years, Yellow 12 and above.

Pay for the week and receive one day FREE.